My sister's horse Apple died on Thursday, it has been very ruff on the whole family. Apple was the best horse you could ever have and we were lucky to have him for 12 plus years. He always knew how you were feeling & was the best ride in Greensboro. We could put anyone on him, & they had an enjoyable ride.
I remember this one time when I was ridding him with my mom. She decided to go on this new trail we had never been on before, she said it was one of the best around. So I was excited to go on it, I don't think we ever laugh as much as we did on this trail ride. We started on the ride with her leading on her horse Spencer & I was following on Apple. We were going into the woods deeper & we were crossing creeks. We came across this creek that had a bridge on it. My mom's horse wouldn't cross, he kept backing up shaking his head side to side like he was saying NO!!! So she told me to go ahead & take Apple across first. I did and half way across the bridge it broke, Lucky it was low so Apple & I got in the mud & he started to sink. So I jumped off and landed on the other side of the creek. Apple struggled at first but he got across. My mom told me to look for another way to get across back to her. I tied apple to a tree limb & started walking up & down the side of the creek to locate another way across but I couldn't locate one. So my mom said I would have to cross at the same point again. I was very leery because the bridge broke the last time & Apple struggled through the mud. There was one board that ran across the creek that was left from the bridge. I decided I was going to lead Apple across the creek & I was going to walk across the board myself. I encourage Apple to walk through the mud. I began walking the board & pulling Apple by the bridle. Half way across my mom starts laugh so hard she about fell off her horse. I asked her what was so funny & she said to look behind me. There was Apple walking across the board also. If you have ever seen this in a picture on an computer you would swear it wasn't true. For a horse this is hard because they can walk one foot behind the other very well, due to the way they are built. Here is Apple this 1000 pound horse walking across this 4 inch board one foot behind the other like it was no big deal. He was sure he was not getting his toes in the mud again. When I was looking at him laughing my butt off. He was returning the look like what is wrong with you, you can walk across the board why can't I? we made it across the creek & enjoyed the rest of the ride. it was a lovely day & a story to tell everyone. I wish I had a camera to take a picture of him that day it would have been one for the books.
I remember this one time when I was ridding him with my mom. She decided to go on this new trail we had never been on before, she said it was one of the best around. So I was excited to go on it, I don't think we ever laugh as much as we did on this trail ride. We started on the ride with her leading on her horse Spencer & I was following on Apple. We were going into the woods deeper & we were crossing creeks. We came across this creek that had a bridge on it. My mom's horse wouldn't cross, he kept backing up shaking his head side to side like he was saying NO!!! So she told me to go ahead & take Apple across first. I did and half way across the bridge it broke, Lucky it was low so Apple & I got in the mud & he started to sink. So I jumped off and landed on the other side of the creek. Apple struggled at first but he got across. My mom told me to look for another way to get across back to her. I tied apple to a tree limb & started walking up & down the side of the creek to locate another way across but I couldn't locate one. So my mom said I would have to cross at the same point again. I was very leery because the bridge broke the last time & Apple struggled through the mud. There was one board that ran across the creek that was left from the bridge. I decided I was going to lead Apple across the creek & I was going to walk across the board myself. I encourage Apple to walk through the mud. I began walking the board & pulling Apple by the bridle. Half way across my mom starts laugh so hard she about fell off her horse. I asked her what was so funny & she said to look behind me. There was Apple walking across the board also. If you have ever seen this in a picture on an computer you would swear it wasn't true. For a horse this is hard because they can walk one foot behind the other very well, due to the way they are built. Here is Apple this 1000 pound horse walking across this 4 inch board one foot behind the other like it was no big deal. He was sure he was not getting his toes in the mud again. When I was looking at him laughing my butt off. He was returning the look like what is wrong with you, you can walk across the board why can't I? we made it across the creek & enjoyed the rest of the ride. it was a lovely day & a story to tell everyone. I wish I had a camera to take a picture of him that day it would have been one for the books.